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Application of the fundamental laws

We solve a circuit by direct application of the fundamental laws: Apply element laws (Ohm's Law and the like) plus Kirchhoff's Laws to solve for the currents and voltages of a circuit. Written by Willy McAllister.


We've done a few examples of direct application of Ohm's Law when we derived equations for series and parallel resistors, a voltage divider, and simplifying a resistor network. Now we do an example that puts Kirchhoff's Laws to work for us, too. We call this the application of the fundamental laws.
Task: Find the unknown currents and voltages in this circuit.
The steps to a solution involve creating and solving a system of independent equations,
  1. Label the voltages and currents using the sign convention for passive components.
  2. Select the independent variable, either i or v to produce the simplest equations.
  3. Write equations using KCL, KVL, or both. Make sure every element is represented in at least one equation.
  4. Solve the system of equations.
  5. Solve for any remaining unknown voltages and currents you want to know.

Step 1: Label the schematic

To start, it helps to give names to voltages, currents, and nodes, and make a list of what we do and do not know.
Circuit features and unknowns:
  • 5 elements
  • 3 nodes, labeled a, b, and c.
  • 3 meshes (inner loops).
  • 1 source voltage, vS, and 2 element voltages, v1 and v2.
  • 1 source current, iS, and 3 element currents, i1, i2 and i3.
When assigning polarity to the voltage and current of each element, we use the sign convention for passive components : The current arrow points into the positive voltage end of each resistor.
To emphasize there are only three nodes in this circuit, it is redrawn here to highlight the junctions at nodes b and c.
(There is an obvious opportunity here to simplify the two parallel resistors, 6Ω with 5Ω. We will not do that, because we want to study the general analysis procedure.)

Step 2. Select the independent variable

At this point we have a choice to make. Should the independent variable be voltage v or current i? One good way to make this choice is to compare the number of unknown voltages to unknown currents. There are 2 unknown voltages, and 3 unknown currents. If we select voltage as the independent variable, we will have equations with 2 voltage terms as opposed to 3 current terms. 2 is simpler, so voltage will be the independent variable for this problem.

Step 3. Write independent equations

Since we have two unknown voltages, we need two independent equations to solve for them. Our choice will be a KVL equation around the left-most mesh and a KCL equation at node b. Why did I make these particular choices? I picked the two most interesting features of the circuit. Node b has several connections, making it an interesting focal point for the circuit, and the left-most mesh nicely includes the all the remaining circuit elements not fully controlled by node b. Admittedly, I used some of my own experience in electronics to anticipate the direction the analysis will take. As you do more problems of this sort, you will build your intuition, too.

KVL around the left-most mesh

The left-most mesh is the one with the orange circle.
We start at the lower left corner of the circuit, where you see the ground symbol, and go clockwise around the mesh adding up voltages. Kirchhoff's Voltage Law says the sum of element voltages around a loop must add up to zero.
The signs for v1 and v2 are because we encounter their + sign first during the clockwise tour around the loop, indicating we will see a voltage drop as we go through the component.

KCL at node b

We will get our second equation by writing Kirchhoff's Current Law at node b. One form of Kirchhoff's Current Law says the currents flowing into a node must equal the currents flowing out of the node.
Add up the currents flowing into node b, set them equal to the sum of currents flowing out.
Earlier in Step 2. we decided to use v1 and v2 as the independent variables, so we use Ohm's Law to express the unknown currents in terms of voltage and resistance.
After a little rearrangement, we have our system of two equations in two unknowns,
These two equations capture everything going on in our circuit.
This is a good time to do a quick check. Did every circuit element get a chance to participate in at least one equation? Are any left out? Account for all 5 elements.

Steps 4 and 5 - Solve

Have a go at solving this system of equations yourself before looking at the full answer below.
Find unknown voltages v1 and v2, and unknown currents i1, i2, and i3.






We solved a circuit by direct application of the fundamental laws. Our tools were Ohm's Law and Kirchhoff's Laws.
The steps to a solution:
  1. Label voltages and currents using the sign convention for passive components.
  2. Select the independent variable, either i or v to produce the simplest equations. Choose the variable with the fewest unknowns.
  3. Write equations using KCL, KVL, or both. Make sure every element is represented in at least one equation.
  4. Solve the system of equations for the independent variables (in this case, v1 and v2).
  5. Solve for the other unknowns.
Our approach to solving this circuit was solidly based on the fundamental laws, and we got the right answer. But our choice of equations felt somewhat arbitrary. Coming up next, we will talk about two efficient and well-organized methods for solving any circuit, the Node Voltage Method, and the Mesh Current Method.

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  • male robot johnny style avatar for user Trisurya Saha
    At the point where KCL is calculated at node b , why is the voltage same for currents i2 and i3 ?
    (11 votes)
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    • spunky sam orange style avatar for user Willy McAllister
      i2 flows through the 6-ohm resistor. i3 flows through the 5-ohm resistor. The terminals of both of these resistors are connected together (both top terminals connect to node b, and both bottom terminals connect to node c). That means they have the same voltage. The voltage has been named v2. (The "2" in the voltage name is not related to the "2" in the i2 name.)
      (15 votes)
  • blobby green style avatar for user Bob S
    How is it that current flows "up" through the current source in this example, from lower voltage to higher voltage? What am I missing here? Is it magic?
    (6 votes)
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    • spunky sam orange style avatar for user Willy McAllister
      The current source in this circuit creates a current flowing up from node "c" to node "b". Like a battery, a current source is a power generator. Something is going on inside the current source that makes it able to force current to flow "up" against an increasing voltage. (A battery can do the same thing, it forces current to flow out its positive terminal because of a chemical reaction going on inside.) Voltage sources (batteries) are familiar to us, since we can go to the store and buy them. Current sources are not made from a chemical reaction. They are some sort of complicated electronic circuit that you don't run across at the grocery store. They are unfamiliar, but not magic. Pretty much every analog integrated circuit has circuits that act like a current source over a limited range of voltage.
      (12 votes)
  • blobby green style avatar for user matt senko
    Why isn't there a voltage over the 5 ohm resistor?
    (3 votes)
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  • female robot grace style avatar for user sirona1010
    excuse-me, at the lesson " step3- KCL at node B" <<-- how and where to get that i1 + is = i2 + i3;
    i2, i3 and iS have the same node. I still don't understand it. Please help.
    (1 vote)
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    • spunky sam orange style avatar for user Willy McAllister
      The KCL equation for node b is: ( i1 + is = i2 + i3 ). This is the form of Kirchhoff's Current Law where all the currents flowing into the node ( i1 + is ) are set equal to all the currents flowing out of the node ( i2 + i3 ). The blue current arrow for i1 is drawn on the left side of the 20-ohm resistor, but that same current flows out the right end of the resistor and goes into node b. So node b has two currents flowing in, and two flowing out.
      (4 votes)
  • duskpin seed style avatar for user Pamela Chirenda
    Can you explain more about the current divider rule
    (2 votes)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user Godson O. Chibueze
    please can i get help with how the line that follows "and crank the algebra" in the solution came about.
    ho did we get -540/30? please help.
    (1 vote)
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  • old spice man green style avatar for user SD Distance Program
    How would one label the current flow in node c? I see that it is unimportant for solving the circuit, but I can't yet wrap my head around why. Particularly, I don't know how I would label the current on the node between the voltage source and the 6 ohm resistor, and then the branch between the two resistors (on node c).
    (1 vote)
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  • blobby green style avatar for user Kyle Delaney
    Does KVL apply to any loop, or only a loop that current can flow through in one direction? For example, does KVL apply to the loop around the outer edge of the circuit that passes through both the voltage source and the current source? What about the central mesh that passes through the 6ohm and 5ohm resistors?
    (1 vote)
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    • old spice man green style avatar for user Willy McAllister
      KVL applies to any loop. (Note: A Loop can't cross over itself, like they can't be a figure-8.) But any other closed path around a circuit is a loop that obeys KVL. The current in various sections of the loop do not all have to be the same value and don't have to flow in the same direction. You will see how this works when you get to the various Methods in the next few articles.
      (2 votes)
  • leaf blue style avatar for user Sergiofranklin
    Please, could any of you recommend me web site for practising such exercises
    (1 vote)
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    • spunky sam orange style avatar for user Willy McAllister
      Here's a suggestion: This article and the following videos/articles on Node Voltage and Mesh Current methods all have example circuits. For each different circuit, see if you can solve them with more than one method.

      Another very realistic way to practice is to make up simple circuits on your own and analyze them by hand. To check your work, draw your circuit in this simulator and run a DC analysis. http://spinningnumbers.org/a/circuit-sandbox.html

      This simulator is part of a web site I've been working on since my EE Fellowship at KA completed. The articles are all updated and improved, and circuit simulation is incorporated as part of the learning process.
      (2 votes)
  • piceratops sapling style avatar for user Sera Jade Rauhut-Akgül
    In step 1, you don't treat any part of the circuit as a parallel circuit. So there is no difference in how you analyse the parallel circuit in comparison to the series circuit? Is this a standard in Kirchoff's Laws? Is the reason for this because, in a round about way, we have already resolved the currents (or voltages) accordingly so that Ohm's law, as it pertains specifically to parallel and series circuits, doesn't apply anymore? For example (still in step1) i(3) = i(1) - i(2). Does that make sense?
    (1 vote)
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    • spunky sam orange style avatar for user Willy McAllister
      In the simple example circuit there are two resistors in parallel, so there is an opportunity to simplify the circuit by combining them. However, in this lesson I wanted to leave those two resistors in place so I could focus on the method of solving the circuit. I didn't want the circuit to become too simple before getting to the point of the lesson. This wasn't meant to suggest a standard method of applying Kirchhoff's Laws.
      (2 votes)