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BEFORE YOU WATCH: Britain and World War I

Use the "Three Close Reads" approach as you watch the video below.

Before you watch

Before you watch the video, it’s a good idea to open and skim the video transcript. And always read the questions below so you know what to look and listen for as you watch.

While you watch

  1. Why did Britain have the world’s largest navy?
  2. Why did Britain and Germany get into an arms race and why did Britain win?
  3. What type of person served on the Guards Regiments?
  4. How did Belgium pull Britain into the war?
  5. Why is the poppy a symbol of the war?

After you watch

  1. To what extent does this video explain how governments used a variety of methods to conduct war?
  2. During World War I, how did Britain’s economic system provide the nation with advantages, but also create vulnerabilities?
  3. How does this video support, extend, or challenge what you have learned about the causes of the First World War?
Now that you know what to look for, it’s time to watch. Remember to return to these questions once you’ve finished watching.

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